Sunday, January 15, 2012

Aquaduct Tunnel

Once upon a time, the infamous Lakeland Insane Asylum had an impressive, almost-Roman-style, aquaduct system. Although the asylum is long gone, remnants of the aquaduct can still be found on the grounds of the E.P. Sawyer Park.


  1. Do you remember what area you were in on this photo of the Lakeland aqueduct.

  2. Michael Rohrman, I stumbled upon this aquaduct, yesterday. You can easily hear the waterfall from the Lakeland tip of the Lakeland tip of the Anchorage loop, as the duct empties from Willow Lake. Basically, if you follow the trail that runs along Lakeland dr away from the park entrance toward Lagrange Rd, you will eventually come to an unpaved trail that winds down to and along Goose Creek(if you cross Goose Creek, you wind up at the current Central State). As you begin to near the stretch of creek nearest to Lakeland dr, the sound from the duct/waterfall will be unavoidable. And these photos really don't do it justice. It's much more impressive in person.
