Want to see your tax dollars at work? The YMCA of Louisville spent a small fortune on this ad campaign "made possible by funding from the Department of Health and Human Services". The billboards urge you to visit the idiotic yfoodfight.com, whose only purpose is to tell you that water is better for you than soda, and that homemade toast is better for you than chocolate-covered donuts. Anyone dumb enough to not know this already is probably not going to be consulting a nutritional website in the first place, guys.
(And if that's not bad enough, there's no source cited for any of their alleged "nutrition facts". They say a fried chicken breast with skin has 825 calories. I just did a quick Google search and found legitimate sites that contradict this, placing the figure much lower. And besides, what size chicken breast? They don't say. Pan-fried or deep fried? They don't say. What kind of oil? They don't say.)
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